Beauty in the Breakthrough

To my supporters,

I am sorry for not having written in awhile. However, I must be honest and say that I have not felt inspired to do so. Although I am active daily on social media, I have not felt the desire to sit in front of a computer screen and project my thoughts through my fingertips.

This does not mean that I have nothing to share, in fact, it is quite the opposite. I have had so much on my mind lately that through it all, I could not find a way to bring value to you.

Until now. It suddenly clicked that writing has always been just what I needed to organize my thoughts and when I stopped thinking about the technicality surrounding it, my inspiration re-surfaced. I have to practice releasing the fear that what I say or think might be offensive, get brutally criticized, or simply be rejected in its entirety.

I most recently posted a poll on my Instagram (@bestobsessed) regarding what you would like to see more from me: health/fitness hacks or inspiration. It was a small sample with most votes going toward health/fitness hacks. So I have decided to share both:) You see, I do not think one can get "healthier" or more "fit" if they lack the inspiration and the mindset to see themselves there. I also believe that success is NOT a lonely road, and in fact, we all need support in order to empower each other to live our best everyday.

Lately, I have found myself coming into contact with health and wellness enthusiasts who are at a crossroads in their lives. Either this crossroad is health-related, fitness-related, spiritually-related, wealth-related, or inspiration-related. They have the foresight to know that if they continue to stay where they are, nothing will change and as a result, nothing will change. Yet, they also have the insight to know that if nothing changes, then they will continue to remain in a state of conflict and unhappiness.

So, what gives? My belief is that they lack the ability to make the decision to go for what their soul desires when it desires it. I can point this out because I am the exact same way. They overthink (is this for real?), they over-complicate (how is this going to work for me?), they self-sabotage (what if I cannot maintain success?), they worry about what others will think (what will my partner think?), they feel selfish (if I do this for me, who will suffer?), they fear failure (what if I let my coach or family down?), they lack trust (am I just being sold something?), they lack belief (is this too good to be true?), and they doubt themselves (who am I to think I can actually do this?).

One way I have been able to make a decision to go for what I want is by realizing that there is no wrong decision in life. There is always an opportunity to change directions and that if this is the right path for me, my health and level of excitement will reflect it. If you have read my previous posts, you would know that I believe health and wellness is in everything. For instance, if you are not where you want to be in your career, it will show itself in your physical and mental health.

Which brings me to my second point, always take care of yourself first. I know it sounds cliche, but at the core, it is absolutely necessary. Take a moment and reflect on the course of your day. Did you wake up rushed and over-stimulated by everything going on around you or did you wake up peaceful, feeling in control of your time? If you could wake up uninterrupted every morning, what would be the first thing you would do? Then do it.

Another way of making a decision is by realizing that you do not have to have it all figured out before you even start. This just creates overwhelm and paralysis. Sometimes I think we spend too much time getting ready to get ready that we never take the necessary action. Instead, make the decision, then take action daily with good faith in the process.

Finally, another way of making a decision on what it is that you want is by surrounding yourself with those who want the same thing and are in action to get it. It is impossible to align with something if most people you surround yourself with do not understand it or do not believe in it. It is natural for humans and relationships (of all kinds) to evolve, and either everyone grows together or apart.

If you get excited by something or someone who shares an opportunity with you to be yourself, grow yourself, free yourself, and live your best life, then make the decision to go all in! The best of things in life are truly as they seem, and when you just decide, breakthroughs happen and life flows more effortlessly. ❤️