5 Ways to Ignite Your Purpose Every Day

As a healthcare provider, it has been my experience that taking personal responsibility and gratitude for my well-being is one that I must put into action every day. It is one thing to be aware of it, but it is completely transformative when you have committed to a practice that will centre you around your intentions as you enter into a busy day of service.

Here are the 5 ways I ignite my purpose every day:

1) I literally wake up and say "THANK YOU" to any higher being I am called. This could be Thank you... God, Mother Mary, the Universe, my Dad (my angel), etc. Sometimes, it is all of them.

  2) I then write 5-10 gratitudes down on the notepad beside my bed. I do not sit and prioritize or judge them, I list whatever comes to heart in that moment as the idea is to remain present to your thoughts and feelings.

  3) I keep a 16 Oz water bottle by my bedside and as my feet hit the ground, I am drinking my water. This detoxifies me from what has been and rejuvenates me for what's to come.

  4) I establish connection - I do this in the form of audio mainly - podcasts, books, sound clips. The sound of inspirational and motivational content first thing in the morning has a profound impact on my outlook and energy levels.

  5) Finally, I get into state - this usually comes in the form of being at the gym, hearing the iron and feeding off of the energy of the other early risers in the arena. I chat very little with those around me and I definitely do not watch the television playing overhead as I do not want to start my day with any negative news or draining affects.   BONUS TIP:

  During this time, I am also visualizing how my working day will go and often times, it usually goes as expected, but in the event that it doesn't, I feel better prepared to take on whatever challenges may come my way. Why? Because I have armoured myself with nothing but positivity, enlightenment, inspiration for nearly 2 hours before going into my workplace.

  I am always looking for suggestions to build my repertoire of self-care strategies to ignite my purpose and remain mindful of my intentions for the day.

  How do you awaken your purpose each day?